About Us
Online Ticketing/Live Stream
General Information
The mission for Williamstown High Schools School Counseling program is to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment to promote the academic, career and social/emotional development of all students. The School Counselors at Williamstown High School are dedicated to helping students in a proactive manner to ensure that every student benefits from a program that is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature.
Jamie's Law, WHS Suicide Prevention Video for Grades 10-12 Video for Grades 6-9
Suicide Prevention
If you have a mental health emergency while you are learning virtually/remotely (such as you are thinking of hurting yourself or someone else, someone is hurting you, or you know of a student who is in danger) please use the following resources to get help:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line
Text "Hi" (Or any word or even a single character on your keyboard) to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor
Prevent Suicide WV
Dial 9-1-1 or report to the Emergency Room
Report to Westbrook Health Services crisis unit on 7th Street, Parkersburg (next to Kroger). Walk in and ask for a crisis evaluation.